
Japanische Ergänzungsschule in Berlin e.V.

Establishment year 1973
E-mail info@berlin-hoshuko.de
URL www.berlin-hoshuko.de
Country ドイツ
City Berlin
Address Joachim-Friedrich-Str. 35/36, 10711 Berlin
Public financial support Yes
Format Supplementary Japanese language school (accredited by the Ministry of Education)
School periods 4月~3月
School timetable 年間約40週、週に1回、45分3コマ基準
Teaching materials 小中学部:文科省検定済教科書・副教材を使用し、学習指導要領に沿った指導。
Describe what you want to appeal, what you are focusing on, what you are emphasizing, etc.
